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IEEE CRFID James Clerk Maxwell Best Journal Paper Award(2023)

Announced the Winner of the

2023 IEEE CRFID James Clerk Maxwell

Best Journal Paper Award

The winner of the inaugural edition of the EEE CRFID James Clerk Maxwell Award for the Best Journal Paper appeared in IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification, in years 2021/2022, has been announced at the IEEE RFID-TA international conference, held in Aveiro, Portugal, on September 4-6 2023.

The award has been presented to:

A. Tzitzis, A. Raptopoulos Chatzistefanou, T. V. Yioultsis and A. G. Dimitriou,

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece

for their paper entitled “A Real-Time Multi-Antenna SAR-Based Method for 3D Localization of RFID Tags by a Moving Robot,” IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification, June 2021,

with the following recommended citation:

“For seminal contributions to the IEEE CRFID community, including the development of accurate and effective techniques for the 3D localization of items tagged with UHF-RFID tags.”

The CRFID officers and the Editorial Board of the IEEE JRFID congratulate the winners!!

More Details:

IEEE Council on RFID : https://www.ieee-rfid.org/

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