
For those IEEE members interested in the RFID subject, please let us hear from you!  We would be happy to have you join our ranks.

Simply send a quick email to and we will add you to our mailing list to keep you updated on upcoming events and opportunities for participation in our technical committee activities.

Also, it would be good to know which areas of RFID are of most interest to you.  The topics listed on our Calls for Papers are as follows:

  • Antennas & Propagation:  Antenna theory and designs, channel measurements and modeling
  • Applications:  Reports on the introduction and operational experience of RFID applications; applications papers should have a strong technical focus and address a research issue
  • Circuits, Devices & Sensors:  Low-power RFID circuit designs, integrated sensors, energy harvesting, and non-silicon and chipless RFID
  • Communication Protocols:  Coding, modulation, anti-collision, and medium access schemes for RFID systems
  • Deployment Issues & Concerns:  EMC compatibility, tag recycling, issues in patient safety
  • Interrogators:  Architecture, algorithms, detection, sensitivity, read rate optimizations, multi-interrogator coordination and interference
  • Policy & Regulatory Issues:  Spectral management, privacy issues, co-existence of RFID systems, social implications of RFID technology
  • RF-based Localization:  Novel system approaches, technologies, and algorithms
  • RFID System Architecture:  RFID middleware, large-scale discovery services
  • Security & Privacy:  Cryptographic protocols and privacy-enhancing techniques
  • System Tools:  Tools for the design, deployment, and evaluation of RFID systems
  • Others

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